Artikelen door Nienke Bloem

Strategy 6: Get buy-in

Strategy 6: Get buy-in. Who should you engage and get buy-in from, once you have a great idea or plan? And how do you make others just as enthusiastic and excited about your plan as you are? By creating your personal buy-in strategy. You’ll find the ‘how to’ in this video! I read aloud a […]

Strategy 5: Where to start?

When it comes to customer experience, should you start by interviewing customers and sending out surveys? Or should you start by mapping customer journeys and then interview customers? Or ..? In this video you’ll explore that many roads lead to Rome. But which road to take? Where to start? That’s what strategy 5 is about. […]

Allemaal Rob

We starten de CX inspiratiedag bij Starbucks. Samen met acht Customer Experience leiders bij de overheid, krijgen we vandaag bij drie bedrijven een kijkje achter de schermen hoe ze klantbeleving organiseren. Terwijl iedereen binnendruppelt, sta ik samen met Robin in de rij voor koffie bij Starbucks. We schuiven langzaam op en dan kunnen we voor […]

Strategy 4: Create doable chunks

Giant goals can stimulate you to go forward, but they can also freeze you. They excite and frighten you at the same time, because where to start? What should your first step be? Let me show you how to do this. Watch this video about creating doable chunks. Yes, this is the 4th strategy! I […]

Strategy 3: Set a BHAG

Strategy 3 is: set a BHAG. This really helps you to transform and to become the leader you wish to be. Dare to aim for something big, by setting your BHAG. Don’t know yet or don’t even know what a BHAG is? Then surely listen to chapter 3 and get inspired! I read aloud a […]

Strategy 2: Choose the path of energy

Choose the path of energy. That’s the second strategy on how to spice up your leadership. Whether it is your leadership in private or business, you need to make lots of choices, small and bigger ones. But how to make this easy for yourself? By choosing the path of energy. If you think ‘huh?’, then […]

Strategy 1: NOW is always a good moment to start

The first section of the book is about: How to start? From idea to action. And the first strategy is that NOW is always a good moment to start. Sounds obvious, but I’m sure that almost everyone has a bucket list item covered in dust, with no other plan than to do it someday… I […]