Artikelen door Nienke Bloem

Strategy 49: Celebrate success

Do you celebrate your successes? I think you should. In fact, strategy 49 is ‘Celebrate success’. Let your achievements kick in. My parents taught me to celebrate all you can celebrate. And they were right. So, this video is about celebrations and why they should be part of your business too. I read aloud a […]

Crafting CX careers: Trends, traits and triumphs with Jo van Riemsdijk, CX Recruitment Specialist

Welcome to CX Leadership Talks, where we explore the world of Customer Experience leadership with top industry experts. In today’s episode, host Nienke Bloem engages in a captivating conversation with Jo van Riemsdijk. Together, they navigate through the intricate world of customer experience management from the perspective of Jo as THE recruiter in CX in […]

Strategy 48: Pass your knowledge on

Strategy 48 is ‘Pass your knowledge on’. And the reason for this is simple: your experience is valuable to others. And the more experience you have, the more knowledge, wisdom and stories you have to share. Don’t think that no one is waiting for your story. Silence that saboteur in you. Straight away. Are you […]

Navigating the CX landscape: Strategies for successful leaders with CXPA’s CEO Greg Melia, CAE

Welcome to CX Leadership Talks, where we explore the world of Customer Experience leadership with top industry experts. In today’s episode, Nienke Bloem sits down with Greg Melia, CEO of The Customer eXperience Professionals Association (CXPA), and a seasoned advocate for Customer Experience excellence. They discuss the evolving landscape of customer experience and the role […]

Strategy 47: You don’t know, what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know. That is what Strategy 47 is all about. Even when you think you know everything about a certain topic, reality proves you wrong. And once you know, you can’t unknow… Do you think you know all there is to know about a certain topic? Think again and watch […]

Powering CX with AI: Robbert Dijkstra’s insights on leading the change

Welcome to another episode of CX Leadership Talks! In this episode, Nienke Bloem engages in a fascinating conversation with Robbert Dijkstra, the founder and CEO of Deepdesk. Robbert brings his wealth of experience in AI technology and innovation to the forefront as he discusses the deployment of AI in companies and its impact on improving […]

Strategy 46: Always mix business with pleasure

Strategy number 46 is a strategy that I actually apply or at least try to apply every day: always mix business with pleasure. As an international speaker I travel a lot. And I know that many colleagues try to fit in as many assignments in their schedule as possible, to optimize their business profit. Well, […]

The power of synchronicity: a CX journey in Sydney’s Harbor City

In the tapestry of my career, there lies a thread of synchronicity—mysterious, yet undeniably powerful. Imagine this scene from just fourteen days ago: my office for the day on the 17th floor in North Sydney with a view of the harbor and the Parramatta River. The journey to this incredible moment began over six months […]

Entrepreneurial CX Leadership: A Conversation with Jeannie Walters

Welcome to CX Leadership Talks, where we delve into the world of customer experience leadership and innovation. In this episode, Nienke Bloem is joined by the dynamic entrepreneur and CEO of Experience Investigators, Jeannie Walters. Together, they explore the multifaceted world of customer experience and the why, how and what of successful CX leaders. In […]

Strategy 45: Be aware of boar

Strategy 45: Be aware of boar. What do wild boar have to do with CX Management and Leadership? Honestly? If there is a connection – no guarantees – you’ll find it out in this video. And if there’s not, well, you have watched a fun story anyway, about eh… boar! I read aloud a chapter […]