Artikelen door Nienke Bloem

Strategy 23: Learn from your peers

Learn from your peers is the 23rd strategy. More than books and trainings, you’re learning most by doing. Especially when you integrate a fresh perspective from your peers. To learn from those who have experienced something similar helps a lot. Do you want to learn how to become a better leader or person? Watch this […]

Strategy 22: Walk the Talk

To do the talk you have to do the walk as well. Before you know it, you’ll become a pilgrim ????. Many leaders talk a lot about customers. But what is their action? Most of them are almost never in contact with customers. In this video you’ll learn how to walk the talk. And that […]

Strategy 21: Share your story

Share your story is strategy 21. You might doubt sometimes: shall I share my story of what I’m doing right now, or not? Don’t overthink. And remember, your crowd loves to hear from you, because you have a story to share. I share an example of sharing my story in this video. Check it out! […]

Strategy 20: Take a break

Take a break, already the 20th strategy (only 30 to go, stay tuned! ????). Most of us in business are focused on efficiency. But I’d like to draw your attention to the negative effects of efficiency. And why it’s important to take a break now and then. Especially if your calendar is efficiently planned, this […]

Strategy 19: Don’t be more catholic than the Pope

Don’t be more catholic than the Pope. Is that a strategy? Yes, it is! Many customer experience leaders want to do the right thing and things right. They always involve everybody in the right way, and want to be 100% accurate in their business cases (if possible?!). A noble job, but not at any price. […]

Strategy 18: Stick to the plan

Strategy 18: Stick to the plan. I notice that a lot of organizations are constantly altering their plans. Which is perfectly fine when there is a different goal or a real change of plan. But what I mean is that plans are just being tweaked for the sake of being tweaked, talked about, checked with […]


Ach, het is zomer. Dan zijn wij als klanten allemaal in een geweldig humeur. We gaan op vakantie en laten het beste van onszelf zien. Toch?! Of niet… Ik kreeg deze reviews van een gids die ons ruim acht jaar geleden heeft rondgeleid op Jamaica en moet lachen en huilen tegelijkertijd. Wat zijn wij mensen […]

Strategy 17: Mark your results

Mark your results, that’s what strategy 17 is all about. Pilgrims mark their results in a credential. And as a pilgrim, every evening I also wrote little summary of the day in my notebook. When I ask CX managers or fellow leaders about their milestones or whether they marked their results, they often remain silent. […]

Strategy 16: Check if you are on track

Strategy 16: Check if you are on track. While walking my pilgrimage I experienced it is key to keep an eye if I was on the right path. Sometimes I got lost and no, that is not what you want as a pilgrim, because those are many extra kilometers to walk. The same goes for […]

Stategy 15: Out of office

You must be clear: when you are out of office, you are away. Don’t take your laptop to the beach, to answer mails and other stuff, while you could be reading a book, swimming or playing with your kids. Out of office is out of office, remember that. I’ll explain this important strategy for your […]