Artikelen door Nienke Bloem

Strategy 35: The need for authority

When was I truly a pilgrim? When am I truly a good leader? The answer lies in experience: showing your accomplishments gives you credibility. Sometimes titles help as well. Not by showing off all the time – especially not in the Netherlands – but there are circumstances where it is wise to use them. When […]

Strategy 34: Light a candle

Life is tough sometimes. Not only on yourself, but also on those around you. While walking the pilgrim’s path I carried the people important to me in my heart. I showed my care by lighting a candle for those who need some extra care. Keep an eye on and take care of those around you. […]

Strategy 33: Your pain, is… well, your pain

In this video you’ll learn why Arnold Schwarzeneggers’s saying “The pain you feel today, will be the strength you feel tomorrow” was not helpful to me during my pilgrimage. For me the question was: how can I deal with the pain and keep going? What I know is that blaming won’t help you. Listen what […]

Strategy 32: Angels are out there to make you feel special

Angels are out there to make you feel special. Are they? Yes, in fact, that is what strategy 32 is all about. There are always angels on your path, the lights on your journey that make the world go round. Not just in life, but most certainly also as a CX leader. Or why not […]

Strategy 31: Trust the universe

Strategy 31 – Trust the universe – might not sound like a strategy to you. Especially if you are the kind of person who just only trusts science. In that case, skip this chapter, but if you are a bit curious, I would say listen to this strategy. Why? Trusting the universe helps me daily, […]

Strategy 30: Get your hands (and feet) dirty

Strategy 30: Get your hands (and feet) dirty. What has the clay on my walking shoes to do with customer experience? Everything. It’s easy to stand on the sideline and talk about customers and what you should improve. But the thing is: talk to customers and not about customers. Thát is what I mean with […]

Strategy 29: Work agile

Work agile. That is strategy 29. In this video you’ll learn how little tweaks can improve not only your projects, but also in the way you work. By just changing one little thing at the time, you’ll see big changes in the longer run. Let me show you this principle based on my search for […]

Six blind spots in CX leadership communication – and how to address them

In the dynamic of Customer Experience (CX) leadership, communication is essential for engagement, persuasion, and education. However, even the most seasoned CX leaders can fall prey to certain communication pitfalls. With the result that they don’t get their message across, colleagues don’t understand them and more important, people don’t get into action. Identifying and addressing […]

Strategy 28: Work data driven

Strategy 28: Work data driven. Expert advice is nice, but solid proof is better. You can use data to make your CX practice future proof and based on facts. It is actually the only way to go. Even as a pilgrim, the right data helped me finding better fitting walking shoes. How? Watch this video! […]

Strategy 27: Belief helps

Not everything you want in your (work) life can be expressed in numbers, in ROI, or cold hard cash. What matters is the belief in what you do. This is also crucial when it comes to Customer Experience. You are in the business of business. Strategy 27 is ‘Belief helps’. How does belief help you […]